Earn more than 10 million per acre with 40k investment.
Here at oxfarm we have old hass trees {request for a visit at our demo farm} that have consistently given us income like in the case of real estate, its called passive income. Once you set it up you do not have to worry, why because hass avocado farming require least form of management but be present during harvesting time for inspection and counting, why? ask me later.
We faced challenges during planting and even later when we thought all could be well another big issue came up. We were tricked and bought varieties which were not hass avocado. We had to top work our trees, we wasted two years due to what we say negligence.
Please if you have to buy any type of seedling request to see whether they are certified with concerned authorities. This will not only save you money but most importantly Time, 2-3 years waiting then it turns to be otherwise is so demotivating.
Enough about us, we came up with the package few years back where we save our clients hard time during planting which require one to have knowledge on basic planting technique and if you have ever tried to plant hass seedlings then you do understand what we mean.
Some of our clients who enrolled in this package have harvested severally and in this year most of them sold their fruits at an average of Ksh 12-25 depending with fruit sizes. Some sell to us while others to Kakuzi and other major companies that do export.
Below entails what you expect from the package.
Project: Hass avocado, contract farming
Cost: 40000
What’s in 40k:
- Free consultancy
- Soil Testing
- 150 hass avocado seedlings at a spacing of 17*17ft,
- Digging of holes 2ft by 2ft,
- Manure application,
- Delivery of seedlings and planting,
- Monitoring for the three months.
- Market connection.
We start by first coming to your farm location to monitor it and doing soil analysis to ensure that the project will be successful. The best time to do the project is during the rainy season either short or long rain, but in case you have an irrigation system you can do it any time this any time. The best time to engage us is now to plan for the short rain season. We do not charge anything for consultation the only cost is for transport to your farm at Ksh 20 per km from Nairobi for field visitation.
The least Forecasted returns for the first 10 years in a one acre land is as follows.
Return for an acre with 150 trees. (prices of hass fruit range between ksh 8-20 in local market depending on size.
• The first two years –growth stage
• 2nd year (harvest of 50 fruits per tree) – 60k
• 3rd year (harvest 200-250 fruits) – 240k
• 4th year –(400 fruits) – 480k
• 5th year – (800 fruits)- 900k
• 6th year – (1000 fruits) – 1.08m
• 7th year –(1100 fruits) – 1.3m
• 8th year –(more than 1300 fruits) – 1.5m
• 9th year – (more than 1500 fruits) – 1.8m
• 10th year – (more than 1750 fruits) – 2m
Total cumulative returns Ksh 10 million
• 20th year – (3500 fruits) – 4m
Note that:
We have calculated the prices of each fruit at a minimum price of Ksh 8 as of the local market, These prices can range between 8-20.
The life span of a hass avocado tree is more than 50 years, let your idle land become profitable by investing 40000 in it and we will do the work for you or you can buy the seedlings from us each at Ksh 150. The good thing about hass avocado is that its market is growing each day and big companies like kakuzi and sasini have embraced this opportunity by planting thousands of their acres under hass avocado due to stability of the hass market and high returns.
The hass avocado is the least stressful form of farming because it’s a tree with least form of management you just have to visit your shamba when harvesting. Once you enroll in our package we will give you detailed information on our market, management practices, what you can intercrop with and recover your investment in five months’ time.
Don’t miss this opportunity this short and long rain season we already have 50 acres under this project ongoing in Kenya.
Contact us on and fill out the booking form we will contact you by clicking here.
We also have other packages for various tree fruits check HERE for more details

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My farm is in laikipia and am very interested in planting hass avocado
Thankyou Laikipia is an ideal place for farming hass avocado contact us 0723662773.
My farm is in Maragua Ridge Murang’a. It’s virgin land and am interested in Hass farming coz I want to do serious agribusiness.
Thankyou Peter for contacting us, Maragua is good for hass avocado farming please contact 0723662773 to talk more on the same.
I am in Nyeri . I have a farm in othaya at a place called karangia. I also have another farm at kieni at a place called munyu. Would the two be ideal for hass farming especially the munyu farm?
Hi Antony those places re ideal for hass avocado farming contact us 0723662773 and arrange for a meeting.
Hi Antony those places are ideal for hass avocado farming contact us 0723662773 and arrange for a meeting.
I have a 1acre land in Mumias.
I have 1/4 acrein Matasia Ngong, can this be used or it must be 1 acre land
Hi Betty, Contact 0723662773 for advice
My farm is in Meru and I would like to do the hhass avocado farming …
Hi Mr Kimathi Meru is ideal for hass avocado farming contact 0723662773 for more assistance.
Am interested and I have one acre at Gichugu Kirinyaga,how can I get to you.
Hi James contact us 0723662773.
I come form the wetter parts of Homa-Bay County Ndhiwa is that ideal please send more details.
hi Kenedy, will send you more details inbox your number to 0723662773
Am interested
Hi Philip contact us 0723662773
I have a farm in Kwale. Is ovacado feasible at the coastal climate?
Hi Joseph, Kwale NO
Ibrahim Munga Nyawa
Hi Ibrahim. how can we help you.
Am in Malindi my farm is in banks of sabaki River can they do well in coast
contact 0723662773 we need to get more info
My farm is in Kirinyaga and I am interested in Hass Avocado farming.
Hi Agnes, Kirinyaga is ideal place to farm hass avocado.
I need a discussion about this.
Hi Brian, contact us 0723662773
Thanks for this information. Is it possible to grow the hass avocado around kiserian of Kajiado county?
we need to know more about your area kindly contact 0723662773.
My land is In kitui..east…mutitu…can Hassan avacado….survive
we need first to visit your farm for more advice contact 0723662773 for arrangement.
I have a few acres of idle land in Siaya county, a place called ngiya . Can the place be ideal for this project?
Hi Nicholas we need first to visit your farm for more advice contact 0723662773 for arrangement
very interested call me on 0722735361
Hi Robert, You will be contacted
A great idea. My farm is in Gilgil. Can it grow there.
hi Peter, yes it can grow there contact us 0723662773
I have this avocados where can I get the market
Hi Dennis, we have a big demand for these fruits contact us 0723662773
I have a farm in olkalou. How viable is it?
Hi Josiah, Hass avocado do well in Olkalou. contact 0723662773 to get assistance.
Would avocados do well in south Kinangop (Mwendandu area)?
Hi Paul yes they can do well. contact us for more info 0723662773
Am interested. My land is at Shimbahills in Kwale County, coast region. Please advise.
Hi Kioko we will contact you. Thankyou
hi Elizabeth welcome get more info by contacting 0723662773
Am in Interested
Welcome get more info by contacting 0723662773.
i have 10m Acres in Tharaka Nithi County a place called Tunyai. This is a low rainfall region – semi Arid. Can this Hass type of Avocado do well with this climate, and if not is there anything that can be done ?
Hi Peter we may need to visit your farm for advice contact 0723662773 for arrangement.
My name is Paul from olkalou nyandarua country.
Kindly tell me the ecological conditions that’s best suited for hass avacadoes and the ideal temperature range.
Olkalou is abit cold..
hi Paul Mbiu. We understand the weather of Olkalou, we have farmers already growing hass avocado, they do well in cold areas contact us for more advice 0723662773
welcome any clarification contact 0723662773
Am very interested in farming. Kindly add me on your WhatsApp group.
oky you will be added inbox your number on 0723662773
Can it work in Bungoma county?
Hi dickson, yes it can work contact 0723662773
My farm is in Makueni subcounty, Makueni county and I’m interested. Is the weather condition suitable rainfall conditionsince I’m yet to develop water for irrigation? Please advice
we can advice that you plant on a rainy season because young seedlings require to be watered continuously for the first few months. contact us and get more advice 0723662773
My farm is in masinga, next to the dam. There is some time we encounter very hot conditions. Is it a good place? Am indeed interested and would also want to hear from you what else if not possible for avocados.
Hi Joseph, lets talk call 0723662773, we need to understand how the climate is like in that area.
I have an acre available in nyeri..
hi Mr Maingi, We have tree tomato growing in nyeri you can come and learn more from there as we plan on what to put in your one acre. contact us on 0723662773
What about half an acre in kirinyaga?
hi Nash, half acre can accommodate 600-900 tree tomato plants, with cost per unit being average of ksh 250 you can do the math to establish what it will cost to establish that half acre. contact us if in need of any question 0723662773
Wonderful, job well done.Will desciminate this information to our group members, then they’ll plant more.they already have a few.
hi Chebet,we are happy that you have already farming tree tomato, we also do educate groups from various places, do contact us if you may need our services on 0723662773
My land is in shimba hill kwale and i have interest
Hi Tom, tree tomato can do well in Shimba hills contact 0723662773 to be ssisted on any info you may need concerning the same.
2 acres at mugoiri in muranga. Is it a good place. what do I need? is it 40k per acre? who is to take care of the other expenses? or what does the 40k entail???. can I invest in a less than an acre?
hello Robert, hass avocado farming does very well in Mugoiri Muranga, once you pay 40k per acre its inclusive of all expenses including soil testing, grafted hass seedlings,planting, monitoring for the three months and also connecting you with the market. for less than an acre you can buy seedlings from us and advice you how t take care of them. contact us for more information.
Can i do 8r in Botswana i have 20ha of land
Yes you can do, if you are certain the area is ideal for hass avocado farming.
I’m in northern Tanzania’s agricultural region of Arusha. Will it be possible to join with you on hass avocado and macadamia nuts production?
yes Elson you can join us in this venture. contact us on 0723662773 we discuss further about this farming.
yes Elson Macha contact us so that we my get to know how we can do this +254723662773
My iterest is on avocados i had earlier wrote to you but you told icn plant tree tomatoes but i like avocados pls advice
Hi Tom. the choice on what to plant largely depend on your location. contact us and get more informed
Hi, i have half an acre in thika and am interested in planting hass avocados, how do i get assisted?
hi Gabriel, contact 0723662773
I have 1 acre piece of land in Kagio, Kirinyaga county.
can i plant Hass avocado or what other fruit can do better with quick and high returns.
hi Timothy, yes you can plant hass avocado then inter crop with other types of crops like passion fruit and tree tomato.
Hi Oxfarm. How comes you are recommending spacing of 17′ by 17′ while our local agricultural extension officers here in Kirinyaga are recommending 30′ by 30′ i.e. 10 m by 10m. Which is which?
Hi Amos, We recommend from the experience and what we think will give best returns. come visit our demo farm in nyeri contact 0723662773 for arrangements.
Hi i am located in kapsabet Nandi county.. there is sufficient rainfall in this area… please calculate for me kilometers to this place and how much you will charge me.. i am interested in this business… i have 5 acres of land but will be interested to begin with 1 acre.. i have 10 ovacado trees but the returns are amazing… please add me to your watsapp group for more details…0729144668
Welcome Gerald we will contact you.
Hi. That’s a great investment. I have and in May Narok, very fertile, reliable rainfall, dam, but very very cold. Can it do well in such conditions. If yes, see you in Feb
Sorry, meant ‘Land in Mau Narok’
contact us on 0723662773 to get info you may need.
Am interested in hass avocado farming in Nyandarua. How many plants in 1 acre?
At a spacing of 17ft by 17ft an acre fit 150 trees. contact 0723662773to get more info.
How about along Kangundo road, Kantafu area. Can avocados do well.
Yes Edu avocado does well in most of areas including Kangundo contact 0723662773 to get more info.
I have a few avocado tress and I want to add more. Advise as I am in Sotik area.
Hi Richard
contact 0712075915 for details
I have land in Awendo Migori County and muhoroni. Is this ideal for avacados?
I my name is martin arimi from meru county. My land is at kanyakine. Is it ideal for avocados
Hi Martin yes the avocado farming is ideal for your area.
How many avocados do I need for an acre piece of land
With a good spacing an acre accomodate 150 plants in an acre.
I have about 80 trees of Haas avocado in Gatanga and would like to fill the 2.5acres with more trees. I would like to have a contract if possible.
Hi Michael Contact 0723662773 for assistance.
I have 4 acres in Trans nzoia, cherengani and i would like to try Hass Avocado farming. would it be viable
Its viable. Contact 0712075915 for details
hi Oxfarm. My name is Dorothy. Have a 2 acre piece of land in Kitale, Trans-nzoi towards Swam border. Can Hass Avocado do well there? am very in interested.
HI, they will do well there. Contact 0712075915 for details
order them from 0712075915
Am planting avocado trees in my 3 acres shamba in Ndaragwa I need to know how much for a seedling… 0722208932
@150 per seedling. contact 0712075915 to order
am jack,have 1 acre in ndunduri nyandarua county, is the climate favourable for has ovacado
Do you have a representative in Narok County? Please share cintacts. I have one and an acre of land and interested in Hass avocado farming.
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Willis Monds
Hi i have 5 acres in tana river is it suitable for hass avocado?
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I have an 5 acres field in Taiwan, on the southern region were rainfalls are pretty common. Is it viable to start a hass avocado plantation?
Am interested in the growing of the Hass ovacado my farm is in kakamega navakholo sub county
Hi Eric,
thank you for showing interest in our fruit seedlings, Hass avocados will really do well in that region.
Kindly contact us on 0706222888 to place your request or leave us your number and we will call you.
Kind regards,
Earn more than 10 million per acre with 40k investment. – Oxfarm Organic Ltd
kkbhgfdsfq http://www.gz0kvg63j627p968k601r4ggwa8v51uos.org/
Hello Oxfarm,
how favourable would Harsh Avocads and Tomatoe tree do in Mashuru are of Kajiado County under seasonal rain or irrigation?
Am interested give me the contacts of an agent at bomet
Hey Albert kindly contact our area representative on 0740000044
Am at bomet and am interested in planting grafted hass avocado.hope it will do well at bomet.0700073888
Good afternoon, we have responded to your inquiry on your Whatsapp.
Thanks you for choosing OxfarmAg Limited.
Kind regards,
I have 2acres in Nakuru county and would like to plant hass ovacado.
Good afternoon, We have responded to your question via Email.
Kind regards,
Have already planted 150 trees of avocado in nairutia laikipia. Hope the place is ideal the hass avocado. Can u add me n my husband on ua whats up group for success farming and marketing
0725785782 irene
0721932837 Edwin
Hello Samuel, thank you for contacting us. Yes, Hass Avocado can do well in Homa Bay.
You can contact us on 0769623300.